Monday, March 21, 2011

day #2


Doors & Windows.... I was sitting here at my computer trying to decide what to name this blog.  (Not realizing I'd be explaining it during this 30-day process!)  I have had other blogs in the past, and this time I wanted a clean slate and a fresh start.  Let's start with the literal... doors and windows.  I've always been an outside person.  I'd much rather be outside on a beautiful day than stuck inside.  I love having the windows down in my car, or the windows open in my apartment.  There is something peaceful about it.  I've often thought maybe there is some chemical reason... maybe it's just he Vitamin D I crave from the sun!

More than just the literal, let's think about doors and windows figuratively.  I've recently had a long relationship end, and I'm growing and adapting to change at my work as well, and I was reminded of something my mom has ALWAYS said to me when change upsets me. Cliche as it sounds, it always makes me feel better:  "When God closes a door, He opens a window." 

Okay okay, laugh all you want.  =)  I roll my eyes sometimes in the moment when she says it.  It's not til later, once it's settled in a little, that the relevance hits me.  Doors and Windows can be the most exciting things about life.  When doors open, it's about new opportunities.  When they shut, it can hurt and it can take some time to heal, but it's also another step closer to what/where/who you're supposed to be. Sometimes it takes doors shutting for windows to open.  You can sit with an open door for a long time and not realize its the window that will take you to the next step in life.  But each and every one of these situations molds you into exactly who you are today.  And I am thankful, that I am being shaped by God daily.  Why would I ever want to be someone other than what He has planned for me?

So... when should doors close or windows open?  How do you know? (the epic unanswerable question) I've been asking myself that question for about 6 months now.  About relationships.  About work.  About family.  About church.  About EVERYTHING.  And unfortuantely, I don't have a tangible answer for any it.  But I've heard so many people say "when you know, you'll know."

And maybe I'm starting to grasp it.  I'm growing up, and I'm beginning to understand what they mean when they say that.  (who are "THEY" anyway?)  I'm appreciating every door and every window.  Even the ones that slam in my face, or shut abruptly.  The ones that smash my finger, or make me cry.  I can let go, heal, and hold onto my faith that God is in control.  And I've learned, my life is so much better when I live out His plans instead of my own. 

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